Membership Categories

APHON Membership Categories

Welcome to the APHON community! We are here to support you, advance your knowledge and expand your career opportunities. If you are joining APHON for the first time, please see below for a brief description of our membership categories. Existing members should log into their account before selecting renew.

Active Membership

Active members are registered nurses practicing in or interested in pediatric, adolescent, or young adult hematology/oncology. Active members receive all member benefits and are eligible to vote, hold elected office, and serve on committees. This category receives digital access to our journal JOPHON as well as a printed version if there is a shipping address on file.

US & High-Income Economies Dues: $120


International Membership

Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses from middle low-income countries receive a discount on the annual membership fee. Low-income economies are defined as those with a GNI per capita, calculated using the World Bank Atlas method, of $1,005 or less. Middle-income economies are those with a GNI per capita between $1,006 and $3955. Upper middle-income economies have a GNI per capita between $3,956 and $12,235, and high-income economies are those with a GNI per capita of $12,236 or more. This category receives digital access to our journal JOPHON.

View Tier 1: Upper-Middle Income Economy Countries (60% Discount) 48 USD

Albania | Algeria | American Samoa | Argentina | Armenia | Azerbaijan | Belarus | Belize | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Botswana | Brazil | Bulgaria | China | Colombia | Costa Rica | Cuba | Dominica | Dominican Republic | Ecuador | El Salvador | Equatorial Guinea | Fiji | Gabon | Georgia | Grenada | Guatemala | Guyana | Indonesia | Iran, Islamic Rep. | Iraq | Jamaica | Jordan | Kazakhstan | Kosovo | Lebanon | Libya | Macedonia, FYR | Malaysia | Maldives| Marshall Islands | Mexico | Moldova | Montenegro | Namibia | Paraguay | Peru | Russian Federation | Samoa | Serbia | South Africa | Sri Lanka | St. Lucia | St. Vincent and the Grenadines | Suriname | Thailand | Tonga | Turkey | Turkmenistan | Tuvalu | West Bank and Gaza | Panama

View the Tier 2: Low-Middle Income Economy Countries (70% Discount) 36 USD

Algeria | Angola | Bangladesh | Benin | Bhutan | Bolivia | Cabo Verde | Cambodia | Cameroon | Comoros | Congo, Rep. | Cote d’Ivoire | Djibouti | Egypt, Arab Rep. | Eswatini | Ghana | Guinea | Haiti | Honduras | India | Iran, Islamic Rep. | Jordan | Kenya | Kiribati | Kyrgyz Republic | Lao PDR | Lebanon | Lesotho | Mauritania | Micronesia, Fed. Sts. | Mongolia | Morocco | Myanmar | Nepal | Nicaragua | Nigeria | Pakistan | Papua New Guinea | Philippines | Samoa | Sao Tome and Principe | Senegal | Solomon Islands | Sri Lanka | Tajikistan | Tanzania | Timor-Leste | Tunisia | Ukraine | Uzbekistan | Vanuatu | Vietnam | Zambia | Zimbabwe |

View the Tier 3: Low-Income Economy Countries (80% Discount) 24 USD

Afghanistan | Burkina Faso | Burundi | Central African Republic | Chad | Congo, Dem. Rep. | Eritrea| Ethiopia | Gambia, The | Guinea | Guinea-Bissau | Korea, Dem. People’s Rep. | Liberia | Madagascar | Malawi | Mali | Mozambique | Niger | Rwanda | Sierra Leone | Somalia | Sudan | Togo | Uganda |Yemen, Rep.


Associate Membership

Associate members are non-registered nurse healthcare professionals who care for children, adolescents, or young adults with cancer and blood disorders and their families and who are interested in APHON’s mission. Associate members may serve on volunteer task forces and committees and receive all member benefits except voting or holding an elected office. This category receives digital access to our journal JOPHON as well as a printed version if there is a shipping address on file.

Associate Membership Dues: $110



Graduate Nursing Students

Registered nurses enrolled full-time in graduate nursing programs are not eligible to vote or hold elected office but may serve on volunteer task forces and committees. Documentation is required with a membership application. This category receives digital access to our journal JOPHON as well as a printed version if there is a shipping address on file.

Graduate Nursing Student Dues: $100


Emeritus Status

APHON members who have retired from nursing practice or reached the age of 65+ may enroll for Emeritus membership status. This category receives digital access to our journal JOPHON.

Learn more

NSNA Student Members

APHON is a proud partner of the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA) and offers undergraduate nursing students’ membership for a special reduced rate. NSNA student members receive the following student-specific benefits: a subscription to the APHON Counts Newsletter, member discount on APHON products, and meeting registration may serve on volunteer task forces and committees but are not eligible to vote or hold elected office. To apply, complete the NSNA membership application (provide NSNA membership information, current degree program, and expected graduation date) when you select your student membership. This category receives digital access to our journal JOPHON.

NSNA Student Member Dues: $25