Jean Fergusson Excellence in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nursing Practice Award

Since 1989, this award, originally titled APON Excellence in Pediatric Oncology Nursing Practice Award, has been offered to recognize a pediatric hematology/oncology nurse for compassion and expertise in clinical nursing practice and for actively incorporating research and new ideas into clinical practice. In 2004, the award was named after Jean Fergusson, a charter member of APHON and a pioneer in the field of pediatric oncology nursing.
The recipient of this award receives recognition at the APHON Annual Conference, in a press release, and an announcement is sent to the recipient’s employer.
Candidates for this award must meet the following criteria:
- APHON member in good standing.
- Registered nurse with 4 years of direct care experience in pediatric hematology/oncology and currently involved in the direct care of pediatric hematology/oncology patients.
- Clinical practice is consistent with the APHON Scope of Practice and Outcome Standards for Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nursing.
- Practice exemplifies a high level of compassion and specialty expertise as documented by peers and/or patients/family.
- Recognized as a clinical expert as evidenced by contributions to and development of pediatric hematology/oncology nursing.
- Actively incorporates research and evidence from the literature into clinical practice.
- Communicates effectively.
Completed nominations must include the nominee’s CV and two letters of recommendation that elaborate on the above criteria. Nominations must be submitted by July 15.
Past Recipients
- 2024: Not awarded
- 2022: Maria Christina Pinero, RN BSN CPHON®
- 2021: Katherine Alessi, RN BSN CPHON®
- 2020: Lauren Hancock, MSN RN CPNP-AC CHPPN® CPHON®
- 2019: Kathy Perko, MS FPCN PPCN CHPPN CPON®
- 2016: Meghan Belongia, MSN RN CPNP CPHON®
- 2015: Emily J. Long, BSN RN CPHON®
- 2014: Deborah L. Robinson, DNP RN
- 2012: Meredith, Lahl, MSN RN PCNS-BC CPON®
- 2011: Tara Malbasa, MSN CPNP CPON®
- 2010: Pamela J. Simon, MSN BSN CPNP CPON®
- 2009: Deborah Lafond, MS PNP-BC CPON®
- 2008: Eva Kyrnski, BSN RN CPON®
- 2007: Leslie L. Griffith, RN
- 2006: Jane Hennessy, MPH RN CNP CPON®
- 2005: Carol Rossetto, CPNP RN CPON®
- 2004: Ria Fewox, RN CPON®
- 2003: Ruth Anne Herring, MSN RN CPNP CPON®
- 2002: Debra Giugliano, RN CPNP
- 2000: Janet Duncan, BSN RN CPON®
- 1999: Janet Veatch, MN RN CPON®
- 1998: Debra S. Rambert, BSN RN
- 1997: Revonda Mosher, MSN RN CPNP
- 1996: Patricia Brophy, MSN CRNP CPON®
- 1995: Brenda Eng, MSN RN
- 1994: Gretchen Ficken, RN CPON®
- 1993: Jami S. Gattuso, MSN RN
- 1992: Patsy McGuire, MS RN CPNP
- 1991: Julie Harper, RN
- 1990: Mary McElwain, MSN RN PNP
- 1989: Ann T. Birkmire, BSN RN