2024 Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Provider Renewal Exam

Program Description

The APHON Pediatric Chemotherapy-Biotherapy Provider Renewal Program provides ongoing education for current APHON Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Providers as they gain specific knowledge, according to national standards, that is needed to safely and consistently administer chemotherapy and biotherapy to children and adolescents.

Upon review of the Renewal Packet content and successful completion of a 25-question exam, participants will have their APHON Pediatric Chemotherapy-Biotherapy Provider status renewed for an additional two-year period.

Renewal Program Disclaimer

APHON will provide 2 contact hours for successful completion of the Pediatric Chemotherapy-Biotherapy Provider Renewal. Successful completion includes activating the Renewal Program link, access and reviewing Renewal Packet content, completing a 25-question Renewal Exam with a score of 80% or higher, and completing an online program evaluation.

Association for Pediatric Hematology Oncology Nurses is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number 14513.

None of the planners for this activity have relevant financials relationship(s) to disclose with ineligible companies.

Provider Renewal Policies

How are Pediatric Chemotherapy/Biotherapy providers notified that they are due to renew their status?

All renewing providers receive multiple emails before and during the renewal period as a notification they are due to renew their status. Renewing providers within the US and Canada also receive a postcard by mail to inform them of the renewal period. 

When are pediatric Chemotherapy/Biotherapy providers eligible to renew their status?

Renewing providers whose status expires on 12/31/24 are eligible to renew. The renewal period is open between October 1 and December 16 of 2024. The renewal exam must be completed by 11:59pm US Eastern Time (UTC -5 hours) on December 16, 2024. 

How much time do I have to complete the Pediatric Chemotherapy/Biotherapy renewal exam once I start?

You will have 90 minutes to complete the exam once you start. 

How many attempts do I have to pass the Pediatric Chemotherapy/Biotherapy renewal exam?

Participants are granted two attempts to successfully pass the exam, thereby renewing their status for a two-year duration. In the event that a participant is unable to pass the exam after two attempts, it will be necessary for them to retake the initial 2-day provider course to reinstate their status.

When is the deadline to complete the pediatric chemotherapy/biotherapy renewal exam?

The renewal exam must be completed by 11:59pm US Eastern Time (UTC -5 hours) on December 16, 2024. 

Are there any materials available for me to prepare for the Renewal Exam?

APHON has created a comprehensive Renewal Exam Review, please click here to download this complimentary resource.

Note: Staff support will not be available to provide assistance with technical issues on weekend days.  We strongly encourage all providers to initiate the renewal process during normal business hours when staff will be available to provide support. 

You will not be permitted to take the exam after 11:59pm US Eastern Time (UTC -5 hours) on December 16, 2024, regardless if payment was submitted. Refunds will not be given. Additionally, no refunds will be given for failure to complete the exam by December 16, 2024 or failure to achieve a passing score on the exam. 

Not Enrolled
Course ended

Course Includes

  • 2 Lessons
  • 1 Quiz
  • Course Certificate