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20th Scott Storm Pediatric Hematology- Oncology Nursing Seminar

April 25 @ 7:30 am 5:00 pm CDT


This is a bi-annual event put on by Children’s Medical Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders for a wonderful hematology/oncology nursing education opportunity. This ability to host this event has been graciously given to us by a former family of a Children’s oncology patient, Scott Storm. His mom, Teddy Taylor has created an endowment through Children’s Foundation. This will be a full day event from 7:30a-5p, lunch provided, and CNEs as well. The registration fee will be $50/person. You can scan the QR code or click the link below. ANY nurse is invited, please feel free to share with your friends. This year, our theme is “it takes a village” which will contain various speakers from Children’s hematology/oncology team about how we all contribute to the best care for our patients.

Feel free to reach out to Ashleigh Panelli- Ashleigh.panelli@childrens.com any additional information. See Save The Date information below. Registration is open through Monday April 14th. We look forward to seeing you there!

Children’s Health

1901 West Royal Lane Irving, TX 75063