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Beacon Children’s Hospital Provider Course

Beacon Children's Hospital 615 N. Michigan St., South Bend, IN, United States

Course Details Beacon Children's Hospital First Course Date: 04/18/2024, 7:30 am-5:00 pm ET Second Course Date: 04/19/2024, 7:30 am-5:00 pm ET In-Person, South Bend, IN…

APHON Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Virtual Instructor Course

APHON Virtual Course

APHON Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Virtual Instructor Course May 16, 2024 10:30 AM-6:00 PM ET Virtually via Zoom Primary Contact: Carlise Myers, APHON Education Manager, carlise.myers@aphon.org…

STAT Chemo Trainers – Chemotherapy-Biotherapy Provider Course

STAT Chemo Trainers-Virtual San Francisco, CA, United States

STAT Chemo Trainers - San Francisco/CA This is a virtual program open to the public. Requirement: Prior to enrollment in this public course please contact…