Meetings & Events
APHON offers a variety of educational programs, conferences, webinars and courses to help you keep pace with advancements in pediatric hematology/oncology nursing. Members receive discounted prices on registration fees for all educational events.

Annual Meeting
The Annual Conference and Exhibit is the premier educational experience for nurses who specialize in pediatric hematology/oncology nursing and your opportunity to gain valuable knowledge from experts in the field, examine current and future trends, network with nurses who experience the same daily challenges, and earn continuing nursing education credit for advanced practice nurses. The annual conference is held in the fall annually.
View a List of Upcoming Annual Conferences
Local Chapter Events
APHON’s local chapters offer ongoing educational and networking opportunities throughout the year. Additionally, many local chapters participate in various community activities throughout the year to promote APHON’s purpose and vision.
View a List of Upcoming Local Chapter Events
Pediatric Chemotherapy/Biotherapy Provider Courses
The APHON Chemotherapy/Biotherapy Provider Course is the only course of its kind and is now a criterion of the U.S News and World Report Best Children’s Hospital. This program is designed to provide nurses with information about how to safely administer chemotherapy and biotherapy to children and adolescents with cancer. APHON has more than 500 instructors that teach the course throughout the year.
View a List of Upcoming Courses
Industry Events
APHON posts information about upcoming pediatric hematology/oncology nursing-related events when notified of them by the sponsoring organization. APHON reserves the right to accept and reject proposed events. A preference is given to events being hosted by our coalition partners, Industry Relations Council Members, free events and events directly related to APHON’s mission.